Use Colour Psychology to Affect Your Bottom Line

With the overwhelming number of paint choices in today’s market, where do you start when it comes to choosing the perfect shade for a productive workplace?
Not only can a boardroom colour choice affect the room’s atmosphere and mood, but it can also be a factor impacting your bottom line.
To start, it helps to understand a little about colours and how they affect people at work. Bright lively colours tend to make employees feel cheerful, while dark colours bring about a more sombre and serious mood.
Green Sparks Creativity
Research has linked green with broader thinking and more creative thought. So, if you want your employees to be more productive, consider painting work areas green.
Blue is Most Accepted
What is your favorite colour? Globally, the most common answer is blue. Experiments have shown that people are more agreeable, relaxed and quiet in areas painted in blue tones. Painting common office areas in shades of blue is likely to satisfy most people.
Orange is Associated with Good Value
People associate the color orange with good value. For example, the Home Depot’s orange logo helps customers view the company as a low cost provider of valuable goods. Many cellphone companies like Freedom Mobile , Chatr, and Public Mobile use a lot of orange in their advertisements.
Avoid Red at Work
Red can evoke aggression, untidiness, and conflict. A study conducted by American physicians found that red tended to raise blood pressure in patients. To prevent hot-under-the-collar office flare-ups, avoid choosing red for your meeting space.
Now that you understand office colour choices should not be random, you will be able to build a work environment that brings balance, energy, and productivity to your employees while being aesthetically pleasing. Good thing there are still so many fabulous colours to choose from.